Most commercial antiperspirant deodorants, whether in spray, cream or roll-on form, contain ingredients (parabens, aluminum, etc.) which are neither good for the environment nor good for health.
Public enemy number 1 is aluminum . Known under the name Aluminum Chloride (chemical formula ClAl), it certainly has great absorbent power but the problem with this substance is that it is toxic to humans.
The dangers of aluminum deodorants:
You should know that some have classified aluminum for many years as a neurotoxic component which is linked to several bone, hematological, cardiac diseases, etc.
Aluminum and aluminum salt are also suspected of being causes of the onset of Alzheimer's disease.
The consequences of deodorants with aluminum on health through their use and on the appearance of certain diseases are difficult to prove.
Some people claim that the recommended daily doses set by Europe are 100 times too high.
One thing to remember is that aluminum is toxic , in fact it is prohibited in our food.
The risks and effects of the presence of aluminum in your antiperspirant deodorant:
There is a risk of inflammatory reactions in the sweat glands, which may end up being damaged if deodorant use is too frequent.
An Austrian study accuses aluminum, present in certain antiperspirants, of promoting the development of breast cancer.
The study by Austrian scientists, published in June 2017 in the journal “EBioMedicine”, also goes in this direction. As part of their research, the scientists compared their ratio to deodorant in 209 healthy women and 209 women with breast cancer.
Result: those who use an antiperspirant containing aluminum salts from a young age, several times a day and on shaved armpits, double their risk of developing breast cancer.
Researchers also detect higher levels of aluminum in the breast tissues of sick women.
Be careful in case of shaved, depilated, damaged skin
Be wary therefore if the skin is damaged, in the event of scratching, eczema or recent hair removal: according to doctors from Asef (Association Santé Environnement France), "on damaged skin, the quantity of aluminum which penetrates is multiplied by six .
The National Agency for Health Products and Medicines anyway recommends not using antiperspirant or deodorant products "after shaving or in the event of skin damage". She also adds that "it is recommended that this information appear on the packaging."
A study in mice shows the development of malignant tumors after exposure to aluminum salts, used for their antiperspirant power.
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Does your deodorant contain aluminum?
how to know if your deodorant contains aluminum is simple, you must refer to the list of ingredients on the container or packaging. The regulations for cosmetic products require brands to display in a legible manner - "the list of ingredients in descending order of their quantity at the time of their incorporation into the product", according to the ANSM.
The terms "aluminum chloride", "aluminum chlorohydrate", "aluminum chlorydrex" , "aluminum chlorydrex" , "aluminum sesquichlorydrate" or even "aluminum zirconium" - as their name indicates - indicate, for example, the presence of aluminum in deodorants.
1 comment
Je tiens tout d’abord à vous remercier Inès pour cet article très enrichissant. Il m’a permis de prendre conscience des danger de l’aluminium pour notre santé. Depuis j’en parle couramment à mon entourage pour les sensibiliser à ce problème des anti-transpirants . Heureusement, il existe de très bonnes alternatives naturelles à l’aluminium et ses dérivés: On peux réaliser facilement un déo avec du bicarbonate, une huile, du musk liquide…