ARTICLE: Snake oil: why is it so successful?

Also called cobra oil or “ ziit al hayya in Arabic, snake oil is a treatment that makes hair stronger, more beautiful and shinier . 100% vegan and natural, it is also strengthening and protective and gives volume. It can be used for all hair types, oily scalps and dry hair . Its undeniable effectiveness arouses increasing interest.

Beauty secret of Moroccan women, snake oil has nothing animal in it, don't worry! It is simply a mixture of several natural ingredients that nourishes the hair from root to tip. Discover the secrets of its success.

What's Behind the Snake Oil?

Recently arrived on the natural cosmetics market, snake oil appeals and arouses interest. Despite its name, which might shock more than one person, this treatment is not carried out using a snake. It is in fact the combination of several vegetable oils .

So why do we call it that? Because it refers to an episode from Greek mythology: Poseidon seduces Medusa who falls under his spell. Faced with this growing love, Athena's jealousy and anger transform Medusa's sublime hair into snakes.

What is the composition of snake oil?

Today, there are several brands offering this oil, but be careful of the composition and therefore of scams! Real snake oil is made from 8 different vegetable oils and selected for their benefits. Among them: castor oil , sweet almond, avocado, argan , sesame, coconut , sunflower and arugula.

All these oils must be pure and cold pressed to guarantee the best result.

The snake oil that we offer on our site has been selected for its quality and its laboratory control : which guarantees a pure oil and not cut by a neutral oil, without any interest and inexpensive. It is packaged in an opaque bottle to avoid being degraded by light, discover it here .

What are the benefits of snake oil?

This exceptional treatment is ideal for damaged, brittle, dull or dry hair. Thanks to the presence of castor oil andarugula oil , it promotes growth and nourishes split ends.

Sweet almond And avocado oil helps nourish the hair from root to tip. Well known for its virtues healing And moisturizing , argan protects the hair fiber from UV and all external aggressions just like sesame oil. As for coconut oil , it strengthens the hair and accentuates the shine . Sunflower and arugula cleanse the scalp .

How to use snake oil?

If you want to use it in the best conditions and have beautiful dream hair :

  • Apply it to your lengths and scalp, which you massage gently.
  • Then place a hot towel on your head or celophane. You can leave it on for about twenty minutes up to an hour , then shampoo (or twice) and rinse thoroughly. Those with particularly damaged hair can even leave the snake oil on overnight.
  • When you wake up, your hair is shinier and regenerated.
  • You can repeat this operation once a week, or even twice a week in the event of a severe fall. Over time, your hair will regain its suppleness and its sweetness.

Snake oil can also be used to care for nails, eyelashes, eyebrows and even the face. But the presence of coconut oil makes it comedogenic.

You are looking for quality snake oil, we offer you quality snake oils on our site.

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Cette huile a sauvée ma chevelure après un accouchement.
Elle m’a permise de ralentir puis stopper ma chute.
Puis la repousse a été immédiate.
Je la recommande pour les femmes allaitantes car elle ne contient aucun produits chimiques.
Merci pour votre article et vos precieux conseils.


super efficace pour l’avoir utilisée pour mes cheveux!!!


Cette huile est juste un miracle!!!!

Elle a sauvé mes cheveux suite à une chute très sévère avec des trous sur mon cuir chevelu.
Au bout de 3 appliquations ma chute c’est arrêtée net. mes trous se sont colmatés et j’ai plein de repousse partout.

Je suis troooooop contente. merci



Cette huile est jute une pure merveille : je l’utilisais à la base pour ma chute de cheveux qui s’est arrêter en 3 application ; j’en revenais pas…
Puis je l’ai tester par hasard sur mes sourcils dégarnies: le résultat ne s’est pas fait attendre les trous se sont comblés et mon cil gauche (qui était court à cause des épilations à répétition par rapport à celui de droite) s’est allonger . je recommande à 2000%!!!!



Je tenais à partager mon expérience d’utilisation de l’huile de serpent: Elle a effectivement beaucoup de vertus pour les cheveux. Etant 100% naturelle, il n’y a aucune inquiétude à l’utiliser. Elle est également utilisée sur le visage mais perso, je n’ai pas essayer.
En tout les cas pour les cheveux elle est top: cheveux plus soyeux, disciplinés, plus résistant. Elle accélère la pousse d’une manière impressionnante.


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